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TP-LINK Smart Temperature and TAPO T315 Humidity Monitor

Artikel-Nr. : 414911

Katalognummer: 414911
Originalnummer: Tapo T315
Mengeneinheit: Stück
Orig.-Verpackung: 1
Lagerbestand Zentrallager: 0 (Stück) 
Lieferung erfolgt ab 13.08.2024

Listenpreis: 41.90
Ihr Preis: CHF 37.70
exkl. MWSt. 34.88
Rabatt (%) 10.00

  • SPEC: 868 MHz, battery powered(2*AAA), 2.7 inch E-ink display, temperature range and accuracy: 0?~50?, ±0.3?,humidity range and accuracy: 0~99%RH, ±3%RH
  • Feature: Tapo smart app, Tapo IoT hub required, smart action, clear and sharp E-ink display, real-time monitoring and expression display, 2s Refresh time, 2 years Date storage and export, alart and n


Smart Temperature and Humidity Monitor

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Loop time: 203 milliseconds
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